Helping Families Remember a Gifted Life
WhiteFern Studios

Bay of Fundy

 If you are interested in seeing more of Rachel's portfolio or are seeking a specific photo subject from one of the destinations that Rachel has visited then email us at or contact us directly at  506.849.3381 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            506.849.3381      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

Copyright © 2011 WhiteFern Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.

New Brunswick


Expressions of Color

Home Town: Fredericton, New Brunswick

Territory Travelled: Atlantic Canada, Alberta, New England, Australia

Current Photography Interest: New Brunswick Landscape


Rachel's photos of New Brunswick landscape, terrain and flowers, are currently used within our DVD products.  We currently promote the photos she has taken, through a Seasonal DVD package that we offer to our business customers.

Additional Photos in New Brunswick Riverways: 15

Additional Photos in Expressions of Color: 45

Additional Photos in Bay of Fundy: 30


Stock Photos

-royalty free images used in our SeasonalDVD

-create a background atmosphere for your clients

At Home
For Graduates
For Families
For Weddings
At Business
For Funeral Homes
For Insurance Brokers
For Nursing Homes
For Realtors
For Travel Agents
Digital Imagery
Minor Hockey
Stock Images
Video Artists
Growing Our Heritage
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