Helping Families Remember a Gifted Life
WhiteFern Studios

In a highly competitive market, where repeat business is based on customer loyalty, there is no better way to differentiate your travel agency then with our VacationDVD.


As a preferred travel agency in the region we are pleased to extend our products and services to your clients, as well as introduce your agency to our unique packaging approach, which allows your organization to place your brand on the DVD jacket, DVD Disc and DVD splash screen of our VacationDVD product.  We view this co-branding as a unique opportunity for you to position your brand into the home of your clients in an unobtrusive, yet enjoyable manner.


Our VacationDVD includes several features which are distinctly unique from our other products, including the high-definition color DVD jacket describing the trip, movie entrance theme, interactive menus, advanced effects, background music tracks, fun facts about the locations to which your client travelled and much, muc more.  These items are in addition to our standard offering of red-eye correction, color balancing and image cropping (where required).



With our simple 3-step approach you can quickly incorporate the latest in contemporary media into your travel services, providing your clients with several options for remembering and reliving the experiences they created during their trip… with no startup cost. 

Copyright © 2011 WhiteFern Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.

A leader in digital imagery and video services for the Travel Agency Market

Are you looking to provide a new experience for your clients, their extended families and friends?  Have you been seeking a partner who can help your business introduce new media products into your Travel Service packages?  Would you like to extend your brand into your clients’ home shortly after they have returned from their trip?


By choosing WhiteFern Studios and our exclusive VacationDVD product, you instantly gain access to a media partner who has an established reputation for delivering quality media products and services to clients across Canada, using the latest in multimedia technologies to creatively help families remember their most precious memories.


Our VacationDVD is unequalled within the marketplace, providing both your client and your agency with a new and exciting service to discuss during their trip planning and once they return.

Your brand is prominently displayed on the VacationDVD packaging ando throughout the video.  Click here to find out more.

We reuse investments you've made in current promotional media by blending your logo, images or promotional clips throughout the VacationDVD product    




Our studio can develop new media clips which will be blended throughout the VacationDVD and made available through online video sites.

We can continue to growth your clients VacationDVD by adding including all their trips, both past and future.


Your clients' meda is eligible to be securely archived for up to 1-year under our Peace of Mind program.

Blend photos and video from group travellers to create a richer VacationDVD media experience. 

Distinctive design, features and packaging is only available to travel agents.  Click here to find out more.

Travel Agent Partners:


Call us today at  (506) 849-3381 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (506) 849-3381      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or email us at to learn more about the WhiteFern Studios experience.

You provide your client with an informational sheet which contains Tips and Tricks to capture their vacation experiences and instructions on how to order their VacationDVD once they return.  We also provide a Trip Questionnaire for them to fill out once they return so that we can create a VacationDVD that is truely unique to them.

When the client returns from their trip they choose which photos and video clips they want to include on their VacationDVD.  They complete the Trip Questionnaire we provided (or download the trip questionnaire from here) and send us the completed questionnaire and their media on a USB Thumbdrive, SD Card or CF Card.

Once we receive the media and the Trip Questionnaire, we design a co-branded VacationDVD and deliver the product to your client or to your agency within 14-business days.

At Home
For Graduates
For Families
For Weddings
At Business
For Funeral Homes
For Insurance Brokers
For Nursing Homes
For Realtors
For Travel Agents
Digital Imagery
Minor Hockey
Stock Images
Video Artists
Growing Our Heritage
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