Helping Families Remember a Gifted Life
WhiteFern Studios

Customer loyalty is key to the future growth of your agency and we help foster that loyalty through the blending of your brand with our VacationDVD.


Copyright © 2010 WhiteFern Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.

The Importance of Brand Recognition

You and your staff work hard to make each and every vacation and travel experience for your clients as perfect as possible.  But once your client departs on their trip how do you reinforce and foster customer loyalty, so that they will choose your agency when they travel again as well as refer their friends and family to you?


We believe the key to establishing that long-term customer loyalty is through the positioning of a compelling product, created with the media they capture during their travel experience, while wrapping the unique aspects of your brand throughout the product..


By choosing our VacationDVD product we will work with you and your staff to introduce our turnkey approach to offering your clients a media product that takes the photos and video that they capture during their trip from something stuck on a computer, memory stick or camera to a product that they will proudly show their friends and family.  And when they are showing their VacationDVD your brand (logo, tagline and colors) will be evident throughout the end-to-end VacationDVD product.

Our approach in designing a custom DVD jacket, that is unique to your client, includes the promotion of your agency name, website address, logo and a brief description of your business at the bottom of the DVD case.


When friends and family ask your client where the DVD is from, it should be very easy for them to discover.  By placing your business name on the front, spine and back there is literally no way it can be missed.  And by providing your website address they can go to your site to find out about the services you can offer.

The spine of each DVD case will have your agency name prominently displayed.

We can develop a promotional image that periodically appears throughout the movie as a full-screen ad or as an image overlay on an image or video clip.  Our approach ensures that the ad is unobtrusive yet reinforces to your client that it was your agency that created the vacation experience.


The promotional image options include:


Did You informative full-screen marketing piece that is blended into the VacationDVD movie, providing your client with additional information about their vacation destination or your agency that they may not have known about.

As the movie begins to play, one of the first images that viewers will take notice of is the beginning splash page. 


We take our blank branding canvas (see image to the left) and transform it into a compelling image; positioning your brand (logo, tagline and colors) as a key part of the DVD movie.

Your logo is designed into the disc label so that whenever a family or friend handles the product they can easily take note of where it originated.

Brand Placement on the VacationDVD

Promotional Images

Movie Entrance

Banner Overlay...a small promotional piece that is an overlay on an image or video clip, providing your client with additional information about their vacation destination or your agency.

Call us today at  (506) 849-3381  (506) 849-3381 or email us at to learn more about the WhiteFern Studios experience.

At Home
For Graduates
For Families
For Weddings
At Business
For Funeral Homes
For Insurance Brokers
For Nursing Homes
For Realtors
For Travel Agents
Digital Imagery
Minor Hockey
Stock Images
Video Artists
Growing Our Heritage
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