Helping Families Remember a Gifted Life
WhiteFern Studios

Copyright © 2011 WhiteFern Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.

"With our Photo and Video transitions you'll never just flip by a memory again."

About WhiteFern Studios


WhiteFern Studios provides video post-production studio services, for clients in the consumer marketplace as well as supporting the media development needs for the Funeral Home and Nursing Home industries. 


By choosing WhiteFern Studios, we provide the tools and professional expertise to help our clients’ incorporate media into the various stages of life and business, while removing the hassle and costs of selecting and managing a multitude of media development technologies.


Our products are created using the industry’s leading digital media development tools, which allows us to blend our client’s photo and video content, whether it is 90-minutes or 90-years old, into a high-quality, artistically mastered, professional DVD package.



Mission Statement


We are in business to provide the best possible experience to you.  You will see us contributing within our community at every opportunity and developing a long-term relationship, with each customer, is our goal.



The WhiteFern Studios Experience


Helping Families Remember a Gifted Life is the experience that we want each of our customers to feel.  Families are a basic unit in each of our communities and we believe our role is to help each family to remember and celebrate each stage of life, through the use of multimedia, and leave a legacy for generations to come!


Stay tuned for the launch of our Everyone’s Life Story program in the Fall 2008 and how we can help you to continue capturing the ongoing events, celebrations and memories that you and your family experience.





In 1996, we created a small chocolatier company, focused on creating hand crafted chocolates to consumers and businesses, within the Saint John and Fredericton areas.  Each chocolate product we created centered on creating a quality experience without the use of high-end automated mechanical equipment.  Providing each customer with an experience of something unique, with respect to physical characteristics and taste, was our focus.  From that venture was the birth of the WhiteFern brand, which continued to serve our clientele until 2000.  


In 2002, we began the development of customized videos for various non-profit and business organizations, guiding volunteers through the production and post-production processes.  We have amassed countless hours (and many late nights) editing video segments, perfecting digital images and dubbing the audio for the best possible experience we could provide.


We returned to the proverbial drawing board in 2007 to create our next adventure, looking for opportunity to serve customers not only in the Kennebecasis Valley area, but throughout Atlantic Canada.  We have continued to evolve and carefully nurture the WhiteFern branding, where today we are distinctly represented by the graceful flow of the white frond from a fern.


We are very proud to launch WhiteFern Studios, where our mission truly is “Helping Families Remember a Gifted Life.”





The wordmarks, servicemarks, trademarks and associated tag lines used within this website and all associated media and communication materials are the exclusive property of WhiteFern Enterprises. All rights are reserved. They include but are not limited to the following:

WhiteFern Studios™


Helping Families Remember a Gifted Life™ Statement

A Timeless Memorial Statement



At Home
For Graduates
For Families
For Weddings
At Business
For Funeral Homes
For Insurance Brokers
For Nursing Homes
For Realtors
For Travel Agents
Digital Imagery
Minor Hockey
Stock Images
Video Artists
Growing Our Heritage
Contact Us
About Us
The WhiteFern Experience