Helping Families Remember a Gifted Life
WhiteFern Studios

"Graduates are key to the future of our community and to the success of WhiteFern Studios as a media services organization."


Copyright © 2011 WhiteFern Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.

With hundreds of photos of our kids and hours of video clips, trapped in photo albums or on a computer, it is really difficult to enjoy the memories.  Our GraduateDVD is the only product of it’s kind in the marketplace, guaranteeing that your child will have a showpiece for years to come.  Each GraduateDVD is truly unique because it is all about your child…they are the star.

Helping them to remember home with our GraduateDVD

As parents, we are continuously looking back, wondering where the years have gone and asking how that little toddler became a graduate so quickly. 

From the early days of preschool, to the thrills of graduation day, we know that parents capture hundreds (perhaps thousands) of key memories, in photos and video, to remember everything that was important about their child.

People are now asking how they can take years of content, that is in so many different formats, blend it all together, and personalize it so that they can provide something truly unique to their son or daughter.  A family keep sake that they will treasure for years to come.



That is where we can help, with our digital imagery and video development studio.  Our services include scanning photos and artwork, image enhancement, conversion of video from VHS, Hi8mm, Digital8mm and MiniDV into a digital format.  Custom designed artwork for the DVD Jacket and Disc label, along with choreography of your child's favourite music genre to the media, truly personalizes the GraduateDVD for the individual.


Blending the very best of your media with the very best of our talent to create our exclusive GraduateDVD.  Our graduation video, GraduateDVD, makes the perfect gift to give your son or daughter to help them remember the gifted life they have had with their family.


Your GraduateDVD would include:

If you have any questions or would like additional information please refer to our FAQs, send us an email at or contact us at  506.849.3381 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            506.849.3381      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

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